Monday, May 30, 2011

Are Palestinian children less worthy? - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Are Palestinian children less worthy? - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

1 comment:

  1. Strong Words against our current president Obama....

    Joseph Massad (the author)is an Associate Professor of Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History at Columbia University.

    although I may not agree completetly with his opnion or point of view it does reflect the point of view of many Arabs, and unless that changes or things change.... we will never agree on peace.....

    His comment on Anti-Black racist remarks....excacerbates his position as he pummels President Obama: ." Aside from borrowing anti-Black American white racism with the use of terms like "tough neighbourhood" - a term first borrowed by Binyamin Netanyahu to refer to the Middle East over a decade ago - wherein Arabs are the "violent blacks" of the Middle East and Jews are the "peaceful white folks",

    On the other side President Obama is not clear enough which clearly shows that his Foreign Policy initiatives in the Middle East in particular Palestinian-Israeli.....are not clearly understood so step behind the white line and become the 7th president of the Us not to be able to resolve this key FP crisis.... We will have to wait for our next president or the Palestinians and Israeli to resolve it on their own....... Language, ideomatic expressions, colloquialism, are not working or helping a bi. worst of all an ambivalent posture from the White house has only polarized it more.
