Sunday, May 29, 2011

Los hijos son para el mundo no para ti, your children are for the world not for you

May has come to an end, but a joyful end to me…. This month both of my daughters graduated (Cristina) from College with high honors (Magna cum Laden) and is en-route to her Masters at a prestigious university to achieve even higher honors… (Carolina) graduated from 8th grade as the class Valedictorian and is also en route to a Charter School.

Mayo ha llegado al fin pero un fin de jubilo para mi… Este me sambas de mis hijas se graduaron (Cristina) de la universidad con altos honores (Magna cum Laden) y esta rumbo a su maestria a una prestigiosa Universidad para lograr aun mas altos honores.. (Carolina) se graduo del 8vo grado como la Valedictoriana y tambien va rumbo a una escuela Charter.

My daughters are for the world.. Both are different one an introvert the other an extrovert… both are lovable, highly spiritual, dedicated to their friends and families and yes their studies…. The only thing that will continue to set them aside as they grow and become producers in society.

Ambas hijas esta para el mundo son diferentes ,una una introvertida la otra extrovertida, ambas cariñosas, altamente espritual, dedicadas a sus familais y amigos y si a sus studios.. Lo unico que continuara a separarlas del resto del grupo mientras crecen y se convierten en productores de la sociedad.

As a father, I am extremely proud of their accomplishments, often fighting to help them through tedious homework or advise…. But the merit falls on their shoulders….. They are fighters, they won’t give up easily and life has thrown many punches at them which many they evaded and others have learned to recover from the blow…

Como padre, estoy extremadamente orgulloso de sus logros, a veces peleando para ayudarlas con tareas tediosas o aconsejandolas… pero el merito sobrecae en sus hombres… ellas son peleadoras , no se dan por vencidas facilmente y la vida les ha enseñado como suerar los golpes, muchos de ellos evadidos y otros han aprendido a recuperarse de ellos.

Por eso entre todo lo que ha pasado en el mes de mayo si hay algo que agradecerle a Dios es haberme dado dos hijas que aunque sean mias ahora seran para el mundo personas de bien

And that is why despite all that has happened in the month of May I would thank God for gibving me two daughters that although they are mine now, they belong to the world to become people of good will .

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