Thursday, May 26, 2011

Time working against Taliban el tiempo en contra de los Talibanes

1 comment:

  1. U.S. Marines have devastated the Taliban leadership, disrupted poppy production and driven militants out of most major towns in the south, making it hard for militants to launch a spring offensive.....USA TODAY

    NATO stepped up operations in the winter, killing or capturing 500 insurgent leaders and 2,700 lower-level insurgents. The average age of a senior insurgent leader in Helmand is 23 years old, down from 35, says Marine Maj. Gen. Richard Mills, who recently stepped down as commander of coalition forces in Helmand.

    Taliban leaders in Pakistan sanctuaries are ordering subordinates to step up attacks but appear unwilling to cross the border themselves for fear of getting killed or captured, creating a gap in leadership

    "They realize they are getting the call (to fight) from someone who is not sharing the hardship,"

    NATO has seized more weapons caches in the past six months than in the previous two years nationwide. And the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime reports that opium poppy cultivation dropped 7% in 2010 over the previous year.
