Sunday, June 26, 2011

President's Prerogative are not to be Arrogant defiance to Congresional law

This week we experience the most arrogant and defying President of our modern times......Since the inception of the Wars Power's Act in 1973....  a law created by the most extreme liberal part of Congress and design to hold back Pres. Nixon (a Republican)  and all future presidents from over extending this nation's Time, Talent and treasure pursuing battles worldwide without congressional approval...

Well yes the only two Presidents that did not ask Congress for permission (Clinton & now Obama) happen to be both Democrats... and the three that did ask: Reagan, Bush father and Bush son.....were Republicans..... no wonder President Nixon should be snickering in his tomb.......the last great act of defiance....  the most liberal President since Jimmy Carter, has not even contemplated to ask Congress but inform them that in his opinon and that of his staff of Chicago Boys.......It is not a conflict but a support operation of NATO,,,,,,,,,, Hog wash Mr. President........Your lawyer friends from Chicago are not constitutional lawyers......  and Nixon is laughing in his grave seeing how a Liberal Democrat is wiping his rear with a law created by the most liberal of his party to curtail all Presidents form keeping troops overseas without consent ot Congress   he also played the card that Clinton did during Kosovo... well your approval of funds for this operation.....implicitly says you approve?   no your are not right........ Keep it up  and it won''t be 27 senators  next time but quite more from both parties that will tell you how much long you stay in office...... Respect the law, constitution always   and the life of those willing to give them for a just cause

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