Wednesday, August 31, 2016

In Memory of Octavio Perez (1930-2016) May His Memory be Eternal (Eonias Imimi)

My father died 102 days ago..... but today he has been ever present in me

I will share his testament to his four grandchildren, a document he wrote over ten years ago, he entrusted my brother to keep until his death and then surrender to his grandchildren, my father had two strokes  which changed his life dramatically overnight,  After writing abook about my mother after her death in 2001 he became a poet, writer, and dedicated his life to his grandchildren , his church and all....

I Will now share with you in both languages his last words to his grandchildren, something that touched us all even after his death


 Agradezco a mis nietos que me llamen por ese nombre ya que me resulta mucho mas agradable el apócope que el vocablo completo, ya que este está generalmente asociado con la vejez, la incapacidad y hasta con la demencia, situaciones que trataré de evadir hasta tanto me encuentre inmerso en ellas ya que para esa fecha, nada sería importante ni real.

Si testa quiere decir cabeza y mento podemos colegir que significa mente o idea sería lógico pensar que testamento expresa la voluntad de alguien. Y precisamente eso es lo que mucha gente hace para asegurarse que los bienes que han acumulado se repartan en la forma prevista cuando ellos no esten ya en condiciones de hacerlo personalmente.

Como los bienes materiales que yo poseo son escasos en la actualidad y quizá hayan disminuido aun más cuando yo salga por la última puerta hacia la eternidad, no me importa gran cosa la forma en que sean repartidos porque estoy seguro que mis herederos lo haran de forma justa y razonable en función a las necesidades a cubrir en ese momento

Lo que si me interesa que no se pierdan son unas recomendaciones que con todo mi amor les doy, como semilla buena que planta el sembrador con la esperanza de que nazcan a su debido tiempo y que no se pierda ninguna.

¡Sed auténticos! Seguid vuestros corazones y obedeced la orden del ser perfecto que mora en cada uno de ustedes sin atender en lo mas mínimo a la influencia que pueda ejercer cualquier persona o entidad, no importa lo fuerte que sea el llamado ni lo bella que luzca la promesa.

¡Mirad a la creación entera! Los árboles y todo el reino vegetal llegaron a este planeta millones de años antes que nosotros y son criaturas vivas y sensibles, que aunque no puedan moverse y comunicarse con nosotros en forma que los entendamos si lo hacen entre si y con el entorno.

Hay árboles como el nogal (walnut) cuyas hojas contienen un veneno que resulta hervicida y de esa forma mantiene libre de malezas todo el perimetro donde estan sus raices, otros elaboran en cierta época del año una substancia letal para los insectos que vienen a comerse sus hojas y muchos otros casos que haría interminable la lista.

De lo único que ellos no han encontrado todavía como defenderse (Sin contar con la maldad y la codicia del hombre, por supuesto) es de los propios árboles. Me refiero especificamente a los árboles y plantas parásitos.

Todo comienza con una pequeña semilla llevada por el viento o dejada caer por un pájaro cuando defecó sobre una de sus ramas. La aparentemente inocente plantita que germina va extendiendo poco a poco sus raices usando el tronco del árbol como guia hasta llegar al suelo donde encuentra suficiente alimento para fortalecerse y crecer arropando poco a poco la planta nodrisa estrangulándola hasta la muerte.

¡Sed auténticos os repito una vez mas! No permitais jamás que una planta parásito arraigue en el árbol de vuestras vidas, no importa que tenga la apariencia de la mas bella de las orquideas y el perfume de la mas fina vainilla.

Cuando esteis tristes, desorientados o confundidos, cerrad los ojos a la luz del mundo que aumenta o disminuye para que podais ver la luz inalterable y perpetua del Dios que os creó y tapando vuestros oidos carnales a los ruidos del mundo escuchad con los del alma la música del Cosmos y encontrad en ella la dirección correcta a seguir.

I wish I could translate these ideas into English for you to catch the whole feeling I’m trying to communicate but I think I’m not capable to do so.

I don’t write with my mind or my fingers but with my heart. Please ask your parents for assistance if needed.



Abo’s Testament

I am grateful to my grandchildren call me by that name since find me it much more pleasant the apocopate than the full word, since this is usually associated with old age, disability and even dementia, situations that I will try to evade until I am immersed in them since that date, nothing would be important or real.  

If testa means head and mento we can deduce that it means mind or idea it would be logical to think that you will express the will of someone. And that is precisely what many people do to ensure the goods that have accumulated to be distributed as provided when they are not already in a position to do so personally.  
 As material goods that I own are scarce today and perhaps they have decreased even more when I take the last door to eternity, I don't much the way in which are shared because I am sure that my heirs will do in a fair and reasonable accordingly in function to them needs to cover at that time

What interests me now, that  they don’t forget some recommendations that with all my love them give, as seeds that a good farmer plants with the hope that they are born at their due time and that not  a single is lost. 

 Be authentic! Follow your hearts and obey the order to  be perfect that within in each one of you without  paying attention  to anyone, accept at a minimal the influence that any person or entity, can exercise no matter how strong is the calling or how beautiful the promise seems.  

Look at creation as a whole! The trees and all the plants came to this planet million of years before us and are creatures living and sensitive, that although they cannot move, they communicate with us in a form that they wish we could understand  as they do amongst  themselves and their environment. 

There are trees such as Walnut whose leaves contains a poison that serves as a herbicide and thus maintains its surroundings free of weeds around the perimeter where its roots are, there are others that produce at certain times of the year a lethal substance for insects that come to eat its leaves and in many other cases of trees that defend themselves but that the list would be endless. 

 The only thing that trees have not been able to defend themselves  (without considering the evil and the greed of the man, of course) is of their own trees. I am referring specifically to parasitic trees and plants.

It all starts with a small seed carried by the wind or dropped by a bird when he defecates on one of its branches. The seemingly innocent little plant that germinates will gradually extending its roots using the trunk of the tree as a guide until you reach the ground where you find sufficient food to strengthen and grow little by little clothing the host plant strangling it to death.

Be authentic I repeat once more! Never permit  that a parasitic plant or root take over the tree of your lives, no matter if it has the appearance of the most beautiful orchids and the perfume of the finest vanilla. 

 When you are sad, disoriented or confused, close your eyes to the light of the world that increases or decreases so that you can see the unalterable   and perpetual light of God which created you and byplugging your carnal ears to the sounds of the world listen to the music of the Cosmos with the soul and find in it the right direction to follow,

I wish I could translate these ideas into English for you to catch the whole feeling I’m trying to communicate but I think I’m not capable to do so.

I don’t write with my mind or my fingers but with my heart. Please ask your parents for assistance if needed.



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