Sunday, October 8, 2017

Who we are today?

Who we are today?  

Today I finally decided to take a stance, wishing that all that read this, consider who they are today, and is it worth it….

I was born during a dictatorship in Cuba, lived to the first 3 years of the Cuban Revolution and immigrated to the US on August 17th 1961. My father was jailed for two months for refusing to pull guard duty at his place of work in Mantilla, Cuba… they would talk him to sleep at night in jail and let him out by 5:00 AM So he could go wash up, eat something and go to work.

I lived through the Bay of Pigs Invasion in Cuba, has lived through a night raid of B-26’s that flew over my grand mother’s house as it was being shot at. So at age 5, already knew about war, Communism, executions by firing squad, (which were shown on television) and also got news that the doctor that had brought us to this world, a pediatrician was now the one who drew blood from those being fired at (3-4 pints) before going on the firing squad…

So that did impact my life early on; and on who I am today at 63. I have had my nose broken by milicianos when they knocked on my door at Apt 004 in Mantilla, as they entered the apartment to do an illegal search, while my father was in jail. So pretty much, I do have recollections at age 5, of my mother crying with a 9-month baby in her hands and another 3-year-old toddler (brother & sister).

So I do know who I am today, and quite frankly I have not changed since age 5.
Within the last 24 hours, I have had both friends from my college years, brothers in arms, as well as families in church get into heated discussion about political and religious points of view.

It has gotten to the point on Facebook, were two of my brothers, from ROTC; now a day retired Lieutenant Colonels get into a discussion to the point of breaking a 35-year friendship.  At church, likewise, it was issues over doctrinal and theological matters have brought apart families, and a lot of words have been said that have had an enormous impact and send families apart that at one time would work together…

It is very sad to see who we are today, compared to what we were before. I do not hide the fact that I am a republican, conservative, Orthodox Christian. As also having been a roman catholic for the, 56 years previous of my life…  But that has not changed me to spur hate,  despective epithets on anyone to impose my opinion.

With a caption of “Thank God this national embarrassment is no longer president…” has driven a wedge between two great friends and at the point where even a wife got involved…

The two colonels, I trusted my life to them and would have them on my side in any combat situation; today I really don’t know who they are today?  How can a photo, or postings (which has been bouncing for years on the internet)  today create a breach between them? This is why I ask you all to find out who you are today? Because today, you are not who I knew many years ago. During my 15 years of Regular Army service 1978-92 and six in the reserves 1992-2001 never did we speak about politics, to point of offending. It was never a point of discussion. Maybe I am dated, all this calumdrum started after the election of George W. Bush, in 2000 when hanging chads, recounts in Florida caused that this nation embark in a path of complete polarization at both ends of the spectrum.

To this date there are people on the left that still believe Bush stole the election, regardless if two major liberal newspaper who had access to the counts found the Bush won with over 500 votes. Since then we have become a visceral society; with every consequential election driving a wider abyss between us all. Families, friends have for the first time put politics on the dinning table, at work, at church. Everyone is entrenched in their World War I trench warfare throwing at each other, everything from artillery, gas, at each other with no end in sight.

Seeing two friends going after each other like two wild boars trying to cut each others jugular veins on the neck, or testicles to assure rapid death by bleeding is not what I remember them to be: two officers who at one time, would have entrusted their lives in combat without a blink. Once again I ask you who we are today?

Likewise at church the story replicates itself, with members who at one time worked together in several stewardship programs who can’t see eye to eye, over doctrinal and theosophical positions.  It has been almost 8 years since my arrival at church, I met all of you, didn’t ask who was a Republican or Democrat. Didn’t ask anyone who was a liberal or conservative.  Neither if you were pro-choice or pro abortion.  My union with you all is about a common faith in Jesus Christ, doing the Orthodox precepts:

Precepts of the Church
1.    Take part in the Divine Liturgy (Holy Eucharist) on Sundays and important Festival and Feast Days. Keep Holy the Day of Resurrection (Easter).
2.    Observe the Fasts and Feasts prescribed by the Church.
3.    Refrain from restricted food and wed-locks on Wednesdays and Fridays.
4.    Refrain from wed-locks during Fast and Festival days.
5.    Confess before priests appointed by the Church for the forgiveness of sins.
6.    Receive Holy Eucharist on a regular basis. Lead a sacramental life ... and receive the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion at least once a year.
7.    Give tithes, offerings, dues, and alms to the Church.

And once again, politics has created wedges in these 8 years since my arrival.
Taking positions that are politically correct, do not necessarily coincide with church dogma.  So discussion on these topics will get nowhere. One sure thing they will do is driving a wedge and makes others take a stance for or against. And then my friends the devil has won: divide and conquer.

Religion and politics do not mix, but when a nation was founded based on a crucial religious precept:  “ In God We trust”

 And where there is a separation of church and state to legislate for all. Then you are in these United States.  Please do a self-analysis of who you are today? and has this been something you would have ever thought you be doing 20 years ago?


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