Monday, March 4, 2019

Cease & Desist calling Juan Guaido the Self proclaimed presidet, he is the Constitutionally apporved Interim President

Every time I read an article that Call Juan Guaido “the self proclaimed president” I have a sense of a campaign to discredit his authority….

Any time you start an article with self proclaimed, to the uniformed reader, who has not read the Venezuelan Constitution will default to a more standard definition, it gives this sense of a dictatorial, imposed title.

Please refer to Juan Guaido as the "Constitutionally Interim President”   That will make the reader know it is a legitimate title based article 233 of the  (Chavez made Constitution) irronically that has been invoked after the illegitimately called elections of 2018, proposed by the illegitimately elected popular assembly. Therefore on Jan 10th of 2019 Maduro's legitimate election (which was also questionable) but still had 70% participation expires…

It is ironical that the Chavez Constitution created an article that (article 233)in less that 20 years would be used against his anointed one, Maduro.

Cease and Desist calling Juan Guaido Self proclaimed President, he is the legitimate Interim President as specified in the Venezuelan constitution.

 los artículos 233, 333 y 350 de la Constitución.

El artículo 233 trata lo referente a las faltas absolutas del presidente, por causas de muerte, incapacidad física o mental, renuncias o destituciones.
El texto constitucional señala que cualquiera de estas causas será aprobada por el parlamento que declarará "el abandono de cargo", así como "la revocación popular de su mandato".
Según el artículo 233 cuando se produzca esta falta "se procederá a una nueva elección universal, directa y secreta dentro de los treinta días consecutivos siguientes" en los que, dice la Constitución, "se encargará de la Presidencia de la República el Presidente o Presidenta de la Asamblea Nacional".

Article 233: in Clearly states that in times when the president dies,  is physically or mentally incapacitated, or has renounced power, or beinf destituted. The constitution declares that the President of the General Assembly becomes the Interim Presideny.

Maduro's term expired January 10th 

artículo 333 que blinda a la Constitución en el caso de que "dejare de observarse por acto de fuerza o porque fuere derogada por cualquier otro medio distinto al previsto en ella".
Este artículo faculta a todo ciudadano "investido o no de autoridad", en "el deber de colaborar en el restablecimiento de su efectiva vigencia" si la Carta Magna llegara a ser violentada, un acto del que la oposición acusa a Maduro de cometer con reiteradas oportunidades e incluso califica a su gobierno de dictadura.
Article 333 this article tells al citizens in goverment or not of their constitutional obligation  to re-establish the Carta Magna
something Maduro and his cronies have done deliberetly and continuosly

el 350, empodera a los venezolanos en la fidelidad de "su tradición republicana" a desconocer a "cualquier régimen, legislación o autoridad que contraríe los valores, principios y garantías democráticos o menoscabe los derechos humanos".

Article 350 empowers all Venezuelans to be loyal to the traditional republic values and disvow any regime, legislation r authority  that diverts  from the values and democratic principles or underscore human rights...

Octavio Perez
Military Analyst


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