Sunday, August 16, 2020

Today I voted, and it was alright, no problems no issues

Today I voted, and it was relatively easy, didn’t take time almost as normal as it has been any other early voting site.

Today, everyone behaved, there was strict social distancing unit you got to the booth, but then again how long does it take you to vote? minutes?  after that a line and out were you can get hand sanitizer and cleanup on your way out.

No science, no problems. So for those advocating mail in voting just don’t get it. The US Postal Service is saying that  up to 46 states and DC they can not guarantee all ballots cast by mail will arrive on time to be counted    (Excerpt Article Washington Post August 14,2020)

The article even says that even if they follow  all of their states’ election rules the pace of the Postal Service delivery may disqualify their votes.

The Postal Service is undergoing a major overhaul for renovation, if you noticed your mail box what you get and keeps the post office alive is all the junk mail and now political ads, apart from packages the Amazon may also delegate to them. Most of us pay our bills online, buy on line, get statements on line, so the household use of the postal service has changed radically due to our habits.

So trying to bring an institution with a 20th century delivery structure to the 21st century is not an easy task. It will never be the same when an individual requests an absentee ballot than to have a state do a massive mail out to all registered voters. Many would have moved, others died, and still those live ballots could be falling in hands of unscrupulous people.

If you have time to go out to the beach, to the store to buy stuff, to the supermarket, you can also go out to vote. And specially if more than 45% of you are working from home. You don’t need to wake up early like some of us that need to be at work at  8:00AM so we can be there by 7:00AM when they open and get it done, in the last 4 presidential elections only twice I have done that cause the others I did early voting.

If you are working from home you can go a vote at the regular dead hours 9:45 AM to 11:00AM or 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM and leave the crowd of those working to get to vote from 4:00PM to 7:00PM.  Or simply vote early (most states do this 2 weeks before the election)

So given what the USPS is saying about their situation and the potential of votes not being counted or disenfranchised  because of being late, and opening the potential for dead people, people that moved, or are currently in jail voting….. keep the rattling Read the results of these primaries in NJ, NY 

Today, I physically was there, inserting my ballot, and know my vote will count, and will do the same next November

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