Thursday, April 14, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Chinese influence in Middle East – foretaste of prophetic fulfillment?
    Several references in the Book of Revelation to “kings from the East” and mounted troops numbering “two hundred million” have left commentators wondering if China or India could play into events prophesied in the End Times, reports Mark Ellis, Senior Correspondent, ASSIST News Service.

    A recent Op-Ed piece in the Los Angeles Times, “China’s reach,” by David Schenker and Christina Lin add weight to the possibility that China’s ascendancy in the Middle East may play into biblical prophecies. Schenker and Lin – both connected to the Washington Institute of Near East Policy, find no such prophetic linkage.

    Their analysis is strictly geopolitical, yet it provides compelling evidence of trends that may go beyond the authors’ secular vantage point.

    Much of China’s work to curry favor in Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq is below radar – or at least, under-reported by the major media. For example, Schenker and Lin point to military exercises last month in Turkey that in previous years included the U.S. and Israel.

    However, this year, Turkey’s Islamist government excluded the Americans and Israelis and included Chinese warplanes in their maneuvers. When Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan met with Chinese Premier Wen in October, they signed eight agreements, one of which will construct a railroad following the path of the ancient Silk Road linking Turkey and China.

    The Book of Revelation speaks of the Euphrates River drying up, allowing the transport of a gargantuan army from the East into the Holy Land. Could this railway further enable the buildup of men and materiel as they prepare for battle in some future contest?

    Hasta los religiosos observan estos cambios
